



© 1995 G Adamson


The Lune Calendar

1 Year = 384 days = 12 x 30-day months and 4 x 6-day feasts

1 Month = 3 tendays = 30 days

1 Tenday = 10 days

1 Feast = 6 days

Astrological phenomena:

Moon: Circular, sometimes a lavender colour, full at the beginning of each month, and full for each day of the six-day feasts.

Constellations: The moon passes through each constellation, in order, month by month.





Month Name Season Constellation   Day Name of day
Springfeast   1 Malday (worship)
1 Iceflowers Early spring Tree   2 Rothday
2 Coldblossom Spring Unicorn   3 Lynday
3 Violetpetal Late Spring Seagull   4 Calday
Warmingfeast   5 Farday
4 Berrymonth Early summer Warrior   6 Arienday
5 Greenmeadow Midsummer Bard   7 Stormday
6 Warmsun Late summer Cat   8 Tarnday
Fallfeast   9 Bisday (rest)
7 Leafcrackling Early Autumn Nightingale   10 Kronday (rest)
8 Barebranch Autumn Gem      
9 Snowmeadows Late autumn Dragon      
10 Tinkleďce Early winter Pentacle      
11 Deepsnow Midwinter Dolphin      
12 Seafreeze Late winter Flame      

Languages of Lune

Common: All humans and demi-humans, some humanoids and monsters.

High Tongue: Elvish: Elves, half-elves, ghelflings, some humans, some sages, most alchemists, many mages.

Stonetongue: Dwarves.

Hob: Halfling: Halflings, ghelflings.

Darktongue: Drow, Dark elves, some other elves, some dwarves (badly).

Thieves' Cant: Most thieves & pirates.

Merori: Savages.

Khos: Khosala.

The Orders of Knighthood

The Order of Deepsnow: Based in Luin, Faerieland, it is mainly a Faerieland and Tainrearg order.

Order of Valorn: Based in Lomar, Valorn. Very large, under the rule of the King.

Order of the Night: Based in Zealia, Niflheim.


Currency of Lune

1 Adamantite piece = 1000 pp

1 Platinum piece "Crown" = 10 sp =100 gp

1 Silver piece "Royal" = 10 gp = 100 cp

1 Gold piece "Noble" = 10 cp

1 Copper piece "Clap"

Currency on Lune is generally standardised, even though all countries have their own coins and may require travellers to exchange foreign coinage for local coinage. The different countries often have varying exchange rates.

For simplicity, it's easiest to get an idea of prices by equating 1 copper piece with R1 (or $1, or other suitable real-world currency).

Ranks and Titles

Title: Addressed as:

Emperor/Empress His/Her Imperial Majesty

King/Queen His/Her Majesty

King/Queen (Faerieland) His/Her Radiance

Prince/Princess His/Her Highness

Patriarch/Matriarch Gracious Father/Mother

Duke/Duchess His/Her Honour

Earl/Countess His/Her Honour

Count/Countess His/Her Eminence

Seigneur (Knight Commander) Honoured Sir/Madame

Baron/Baroness His/Her Grace

Guildmaster/Guildmistress Master/Mistress

Chevalier (Knight Banneret) Gracious Sir/Madame

Lord/Lady My Lord/Lady

Chevalier (Knight) Sir/Madame

Elder Elder

Mayor/Mayoress Master/Mistress

Esquire Squire

Scholar Scholar





Common Greetings on Lune

Humans & Shapelings: "Goodmeet", "Greetings", or " 'Meet"

"Farewell" or (formally) "Fare-thee-well"

Elves & Ghelflings: "Hail" or (to other elves) "Aurissë"

"Farewell" or (to other elves) "Auelé" or (uncommonly) "Goodwine"

Dwarves: "Greetings" or "Goodstone"

"Hot forges" or "Farewell"

Halflings: "Gods smile upon you" or " 'Ullo"

"Gods smile upon you until next" or (formally, to other halflings) "Gods smile upon you, don't tangle your hair! Beware the big folk, and keep an eye out for the goblins too."

Trees Common to Lune


(Countries of Faerieland, Niflheim, Valorn, Tainrearg, Ariel, Allemaren and Romen)

Evergreens: Fir, pine, redwood, bluetree, steelwood, blackwood.

Deciduous: Alder, birch, oak, yew, glowood, apple, crabapple, beech, cherry, chestnut, elder, elm, plum, poplar, acacia, walnut, willow, ash.


(Countries of Mereth, Southern Principalities, Karrika, Aelin, and further south)

Evergreens: Bluegum, mangrove, pine, banyan, baobab, ironwood, mahogany, palm, teak.

Deciduous: Cedar, fig, lemon, lime, oak, orange, peach, acacia.

Lune Beverages

Ale Golden brown, bitter, foamy, served chilled.

Beer Golden, semi-bitter, foamy, served chilled, warm, or at room temperature.

Brandy Brown-gold, tangy, very alcoholic, served at room temperature.

Dreamwine Brown, spicy, sweet, served warm. Thought to have narcotic properties.

Fireshower Red-gold, semi-sweet, served chilled.

Greenflame Green, viscous, sweet, very alcoholic, served chilled.

Honeyspirit Golden, sweet, served at room temperature.

Mead Golden, viscous, sweet, served at room temperature.

Redfire Red, semi-sweet, extremely alcoholic, served warm.

Redwine Red, dry to semi-sweet, served at room temperature.

Sweetwine Golden, sweet, non-alcoholic, served at room temperature.

Trollsblood Bright blue, bitter-sweet, very alcoholic, served chilled (but burns anyway).

Wine Clear or golden, semi-sweet to dry (bitter), served chilled.

Witches' Brew Black, bitter, non-alcoholic, served boiling hot.

Travel Speeds

Ox 1˝ mph   Movement per day on foot
Pedestrian 3 - 4 mph     Normal Terrain Rugged terrain
Horse, walk 4˝ mph   Light load 30 15
Horse, trot 10 mph   Average load 20 10
Horse, gallop 20 mph   Heavy load 10 4
Long-distance runner 5˝ mph    
River currents 2 - 10 mph   Movement per day, mounted
Carriage, walk 3 mph     Normal Terrain Rugged terrain
Carriage, trot 6 mph   Average 40 - 60 mpd 5 - 25 mpd
Carriage, gallop 12 mph        
Cart or wagon 3 mph        

Intelligent Humanoid Races of Lune

The major intelligent humanoid races of Lune are:

Humans: Humans are found all over Lune, although in lower concentrations in Faerieland, Arial, Romen, and Niflheim. In northern climes they tend to be fair, while to the south they are more swarthy. Those from Romen tend to be quite heavily built, those in Khosala are dark and lean, and many from the far south are small and swarthy. Humans on Lune can typically expect a lifespan of 70 or so years.

Elves: There are two varieties of elf dwelling on the surface of Lune: the high elves, who live primarily in Faerieland, and night elves, who live mainly in Niflheim. Physically, elves are a little shorter than humans (averaging 5' 7" for males and 5' 4" for females) and slender. High elves can have hair that is black, brown, white, silver, gold, red or orange in colour, always straight. Their eyes can be various shades of blue, green, grey or purple. Night elves have pitch black skin colouring, and their hair is usually silver, white, or black (although other colours are not unknown). Their eyes are blue, green, amber, or violet. Elves have no facial hair, and always have very fair, clear complexions which don't tan to any significant degree. Elves on Lune usually live till 300 or 400 years old, but reach maturity at around 20, like humans.

Dwarves: The dwarves live mainly in Romen, mostly in the mountains. They average about 4'10" in height (about 4'8" for females), and are very stocky. Because of their density, they don't swim well, if at all. All male dwarves and some female dwarves have beards, and they view beards as a way of determining a dwarf's seniority. Dwarves typically have weatherbeaten skin, and hair colouring tending to tones of brown, though black and red are not uncommon. Their eyes are usually green, but brown and blue eyes are relatively common too. Dwarves on Lune have an average lifespan of 250 to 300 years, maturing at about 25.

Ghelflings: The ghelflings of Arial are small and delicate-looking, averaging 4' in height. Most have black or dark brown hair, always straight, although red or silvery hair is not unknown. Eyes tend to be bright blue or green, and they have fair complexions. Some sages have theorised that ghelflings are the result of magically-induced breeding between elves and halflings, but members of all three races scorn this theory. Ghelflings are very long-lived, some dying only at the age of 1000 or so (there are no actual records, since they tend to start losing count around 50 or so). They mature at around 50 years old, but their long childhoods are somewhat offset by the fact that they don't have very good memories.

The ghelflings are a very isolated race, and tend to be very curious about any visitors. They don't appreciate others disturbing their environment though, and will react fiercely to any threat on themselves or their homes. Amongst themselves they are a very sharing race -- most of them don't really understand the concept of money, because they share everything with each other. A musician, for example, shares his music with the community, a baker will bake bread for others, a scholar shares his knowledge, and so on. Children, the infirm and the aged are not expected to contribute to the community, and are looked after. Ghelflings are usually very hospitable to strangers or travellers, but those that betray their trust are dealt with harshly. The ghelflings live in very small communities scattered all over Arial, usually numbering no more than a few hundred citizens each.

Halflings: There are not many halflings on Lune. They live in small communities in the forests and hills in Tainrearg, Valorn, Niflheim, and western Romen. Halflings usually live for 70 years or more.

Shapelings: Shapelings are similar to half-elves in physical size and features, except that they are completely transparent. As a result, shapelings are expert in disguising themselves, and normally carry a small supply of cosmetics suitable for creating hair and skin colouring. Unfortunately, since their clothes are still visible, their transparency is not particularly useful for stealth, but they have an unparalleled reputation for infiltration. Shapelings don't have their own communities, preferring to live within human society (usually without anyone knowing what they are). They usually live for around 100 years, and reach maturity at about 20.

Half-elves: Typically, half-elves have elvish features and colouring, but are in between humans and elves with regards to physical size. Half-elves usually have very little facial hair, if any. Half-elves can expect a typical lifespan of around 150 years, and mature at 20.

Hobgoblins: Hobgoblins (sometimes also called orcs) are a larger, stronger, more intelligent and more aggressive breed of goblin. While they usually co-exist and co-operate with goblins, there are some tribes that live in relative harmony with human settlements in the mountains. Most hobgoblins have a natural lifespan of about 80 years.

Goblins: Goblins are the most common sentient life-form on Lune, even after the vast numbers that died in the Arak War. Most live in mountainous or barren areas, occasionally raiding human settlements. Goblins are a short-lived race, and usually only live for 40 years.

Illithid: Mind flayers live deep underground, and are rumoured to have alliances with the drow.

Drow elves: The drow elves are the evil cave-dwelling elves from which the night elves came, and are very similar in appearance, but are absolutely ruthless, with numerous magical powers.

Trolls: Trolls are very uncommon in areas inhabited by humans, and they tend to keep to themselves unless they're hungry. They are usually found only singly or in pairs.

Ogres: Ogres are rare, and are usually only found in mountainous areas. They sometimes work together with hobgoblins (for payment, usually).

Giants: Giants are very rare, and are considered mythical by most people. They live in small communities in mountains, and generally keep to themselves.

Dreamers: It's rumoured that there is a race of people with strange mental powers that live amongst humans. There is no confirmed evidence of this, however.

Little folk: The term "little folk" actually encompasses a number of races of small humanoids, such as gremlins, jermlaine, leprechauns, and others. These races generally stay away from human and demi-human settlements.




Many of the ballads listed below have been made popular or have been composed by the wandering bard Maldred.