© 1995 G Adamson



The psionicist class is not available to player characters. Any character that qualifies is eligible for wild psionic powers, and can use psionic powers in addition to any other skills or classes they have.


The primary abilities for psionics are Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma/Leadership. Each psionic character must choose a single primary ability upon which powers are scores are based (this would usually be the highest of the character's Int, Wis and Cha scores), and two secondary abilities. The reason for the choice of the abilities is that the psionic can have different ways of approaching psionic powers: using Intelligence for logic and knowledge, Wisdom for intuition and willpower, or Charisma/Leadership for the mental manipulative power.

Chance of being psionic:

The minimum requirements of being psionic are: one of the three primary abilities must be 16

another must be 12.

The percentage chance of being psionic (assuming minimum requirements), is 1%. The character gains a 1% bonus for each other primary ability 16, plus 1% per ability point (of the primary abilities) greater than, but not equal to, 16.


All psionic powers (devotions, sciences, and attack/defence modes) are based on the character's primary score.


The character's psionic power score is calculated as follows:

The character starts with 15 points at first level.

  1. Add the appropriate ability modifiers for the character's Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma/Leadership scores (these are cumulative).
  2. The resulting figure is the character's initial PSP score.
  3. The character gains 1d6 PSPs per level, plus ability modifiers for his Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma/Leadership abilities.

For example: a character with Int 18 as primary, and Wis 16 and Cha/Leadership 14 as secondary abilities, will have an initial PSP score of (15 + 3 + 1 + 0) = 19, a base MAC of (7 - 1 - 0) = 6, and his PSP score will advance 1d6+3+1+0 points per level.


Devotions: Each character rolls 1d6 to determine the number of devotions known. If the character has a primary ability exceeding 16, there is a +1 bonus to this number (still with a max of 6). Devotions are first gained at second level.

Sciences: Each character rolls 1d3 to determine the number of sciences known. Sciences are first gained at 4th level.

Attack: Attack modes are not counted as devotions or sciences. Each character rolls 1d5 to determine the number known. The attack modes are Mind Thrust, Ego Whip, Id Insinuation, Psychic Crush, and Psionic Blast.

Defence: All characters get 1d5 defence modes, and they are gained in random order at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th levels. The character must have engaged in psionic combat in the interim to gain a new defence mode. The defence modes are Mind Blank, Mental Barrier, Thought Shield, Intellect Fortress and Tower of Iron Will.

Insanity: Each psionic character must have some form of insanity, which sometimes manifests itself when the character is under stress. This insanity should be selected or rolled by the DM. Suggested types of insanity are dipsomania (alcoholic bingeing), kleptomania (compulsive stealing), pathological lying, monomania (fixation on something), melancholia, megalomania, delusional insanity, schizophrenia, paranoia, sado-masochism, homicidal mania, and catatonia.

All choice of powers etc. is the DM's prerogative, and need not conform to the Psionics Handbook. Treat all descriptions in the PsiHB or Skills and Powers as suggestions, modifying or creating as appropriate.


Psionic combat can be conducted as per Skills and Powers, page 145 onward.

Linking in combat

Several psionics may link together to fight as a unit in psionic combat. Linking together takes one round to perform, during which each participant may only psionically defend. The strongest psionic (in terms of PSPs) is the controller of the unit. If he is disabled, the unit disintegrates, and must be reformed. Any other member can be removed without disabling the unit, but the unit's strength must be recalculated. A member cannot voluntarily leave the unit without the release of the controller.

The strength of the linked psionic unit is calculated as follows:

The members of the linked unit cannot engage in physical combat, nor can they move faster than ¼ of the movement rate of the slowest member.


Psionics can detect the use of a psionic power, attack mode, or defence mode (except Mind Blank) within 10' per level of the viewer. It is seen as a glow surrounding the user, or in the direction of the user, if the user is out of sight.

A psionic can be recognised as such by touch, whether using a power or not. Latent psionics (those who have no idea of their potential) cannot be detected like this.

Psionics cannot mentally contact or speak with each other, except when using certain powers that allow this. Nor can they probe another psionic's mind (or anyone else, for that matter), without using certain powers. For a psionic character to use any such powers against another psionic, the target must have no PSPs left. Usually, the best way of achieving this is to defeat the target in psionic combat.


The powers available to psionic characters and listed on page 175 of Skills and Powers. This is not a comprehensive list, and the specific descriptions of these powers are to be treated as merely guidelines. The DM should feel free to customise the capabilities of these powers for each individual, or to create entirely new ones.

For example, one character on Lune has the Cell Adjustment power, different from the description in Skills and Powers in that use of the power causes her to fall unconscious for 1 round per PSP point expended. On the other hand, her Probability Travel power is more powerful than usual, allowing her to travel between planes without going through the Astral plane.